Thursday, November 13, 2008

Want World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King for free?

World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King can be yours for the price of $0.00. All you have to do is register for Bee Premium , and all of this stuff can be yours for FREE! Once you sign up all you have to do is select the gift that you want, fill out an offer (a survey), recommend some of your friends to join, and wait for your gift in your inbox. THAT'S IT! Feel free to leave a comment if you are having any problems. Don't believe me? Just check out the Facebook group to see all of our happy customers. This site works guys! I'm trying to help people out here! Trust me. See for yourself! Just register for Bee Premium. All you need to register is a valid e-mail address, a name, and a country. Then fill out a survey and recommend your friends so that you can receive your FREE gift. This website does not require any of your personal information. Bee Premium 4 Free only requires a valid e-mail address, a name, and your country. Just go to Bee Premium 4 Free select which game you want, and follow the on site instructions to complete your registration! Then go to offers at the top, scroll down to show full credit, click, select an offer, then follow the instructions to complete! (The following is an excerpt from A lot of people starting with freebies have questions that need answering. You are probably wondering why anyone would give away premium accounts or a great games for free. There is actually an economically sound principle behind freebie sites, which allow YOU to get your free gift, while still making money for the freebie companies.All 100% legitimate freebie companies work in the same basic way:

  • Register at the freebie site for the item you want to get for FREE.

  • Complete an advertiser's offer.

  • Refer some friends to join the site and do the same as you did.
Freebie Sites make money through the advertiser's offers. When you sign up for a free or discounted trial of a product or service, the freebie site gets paid a commission, which is then used to pay for YOUR free premium account, free PS3, or other gift. You and your referrals get gifts from the freebie company, just by trying out great products and services for free!
In exchange for users registering with an advertiser (also referred to as "completing an offer"), we are compensated for sending to advertisers new customers. We then offer you the free gift from a portion of our compensation as a Thank you for using our site.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How do I get more views on my blog?

I can get you 1,000,000 hits on your blog all for the price of $0.00. I am not even joking. Just go to Free Viral to join. Right now, i know that you are skeptical, so let me explain how this site works. Let's take a short quiz. Just one question: If you double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? The correct answer is: Over 10 million dollars! That's the power of exponential growth, and the Internet is the one medium that can harness that power... for FREE! Our system fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate MASSIVE VISITOR TRAFFIC for your website!Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one major difference... our system guarantees traffic to your website! The concept is simple!

When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your classified ad in the #1 position! The ad that was in the #1 position will move down to the #2 position, the 2nd ad to the #3 position, and so on with the last classified ad being taken off of the page.

When someone signs up from your website, their classified ad will be placed in the #1 spot with your ad moving to the #2 spot, the 2nd ad moving down to the #3 spot and so on. By the time your classified ad reaches the #6 spot, you will have noticed an amazing amount of FREE traffic!Webmasters who signup on your Level 1 will put their ad in the #1 ad position, and yours will get bumped to the #2 spot. Important: Your ad stays there! Your ad will always be in the #2 position on the FreeViral pages of your Level 1 webmasters.

Of course, your Level 1 webmasters will promote their FreeViral pages. As a result, webmasters will signup below them. When that happens, your Level 2 downline is being formed. Your ad will be in the #3 postion. Important: Your ad stays there! Your ad will always be in the #3 position on the FreeViral pages of your Level 2 webmasters.

As your downline grows 5 levels deep, your ad will be present on every FreeViral page, or every webmaster in your downline!

And once your downline matures, you will notice an amazing amount of FREE traffic!When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your classified ad which will open a new window leading to your main website. They will have to wait a few seconds for the code to appear on a separate frame at the top of the screen.

While they wait, they will have time to read what you have to offer! This can equate to more sales, downline members, affiliate sign-ups, ezine subscribers, etc.! Each classified ad will have to be clicked on to retrieve a unique code meaning that you will receive FREE Traffic throughout all 6 levels!!!The "cost" for using the free traffic system is that you will receive one email message each week. That's it. You don't pay any money for using the system. You'll receive either a member newsletter, or a review of a business product, or a sponsor ad. But no more than one email each week, we promise.
10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your ad on 10 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your ad on 100 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your ad on 1,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your ad on 10,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your ad on 100,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100,000 = Your ad on 1,000,000 new sites
Trust me, I am trying this system right now and the possibilities are endless! Join now! Once you start getting hits, the advertisers will start rolling in! Believe it!

Is there a way I can get Guild Wars for free?

Step 1: All you need to do is go to the Guild Wars Website to download the Guild Wars client. If you already have Guild Wars and simply want the expansion packs, go to step 2. Step 2: Go to Bee Premium to get the CD-Keys to unlock the game. When you go to that website, No credit card info is required from this site. Just a real email address, a name, and a country. Just click on the link above, select which game you want, and follow the on site instructions to complete! Then go to offers at the top, scroll down to show full credit, click, select an offer, then follow the instructions to complete!

Monday, November 10, 2008

How to increase traffic to your website....FOR FREE! (1,000,000 HITS)

Let's take a short quiz. Just one question: If you double a penny every day for a month and what do you get? The correct answer is: Over 10 million dollars! That's the power of exponential growth, and the Internet is the one medium that can harness that power... for FREE! Our system fully exploits this phenomenon to help generate MASSIVE VISITOR TRAFFIC for your website!Our system is similar to others you may have seen on the Internet with one major difference... our system guarantees traffic to your website! The concept is simple!

When you sign up, you will receive a website just like this one with your classified ad in the #1 position! The ad that was in the #1 position will move down to the #2 position, the 2nd ad to the #3 position, and so on with the last classified ad being taken off of the page.

When someone signs up from your website, their classified ad will be placed in the #1 spot with your ad moving to the #2 spot, the 2nd ad moving down to the #3 spot and so on. By the time your classified ad reaches the #6 spot, you will have noticed an amazing amount of FREE traffic!Webmasters who signup on your Level 1 will put their ad in the #1 ad position, and yours will get bumped to the #2 spot. Important: Your ad stays there! Your ad will always be in the #2 position on the FreeViral pages of your Level 1 webmasters.

Of course, your Level 1 webmasters will promote their FreeViral pages. As a result, webmasters will signup below them. When that happens, your Level 2 downline is being formed. Your ad will be in the #3 postion. Important: Your ad stays there! Your ad will always be in the #3 position on the FreeViral pages of your Level 2 webmasters.

As your downline grows 5 levels deep, your ad will be present on every FreeViral page, or every webmaster in your downline!

And once your downline matures, you will notice an amazing amount of FREE traffic!When someone signs up from your site, they must first click on your classified ad which will open a new window leading to your main website. They will have to wait a few seconds for the code to appear on a separate frame at the top of the screen.

While they wait, they will have time to read what you have to offer! This can equate to more sales, downline members, affiliate sign-ups, ezine subscribers, etc.! Each classified ad will have to be clicked on to retrieve a unique code meaning that you will receive FREE Traffic throughout all 6 levels!!!The "cost" for using the free traffic system is that you will receive one email message each week. That's it. You don't pay any money for using the system. You'll receive either a member newsletter, or a review of a business product, or a sponsor ad. But no more than one email each week, we promise.
10 people sign up from you: 1 x 10 = Your ad on 10 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10 = Your ad on 100 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100 = Your ad on 1,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 1,000 = Your ad on 10,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 10,000 = Your ad on 100,000 new sites
10 people sign up from each of them: 10 x 100,000 = Your ad on 1,000,000 new sites
Trust me, I am trying this system right now and the possibilities are endless! Join now!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about free stuff. Do you want the CD-key for MMO games like World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, Guild Wars, and Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning for free? Do you want free PayPal money? Fileplanet memberships, Gamespot memberships, web-file hosting accounts, NCsoft prepaid game cards, MMORPG prepaid time cards can all be yours for the price of $0.00. All you have to do is register for Bee Premium , and all of this stuff can be yours for FREE! Once you sign up all you have to do is select the gift that you want, fill out an offer (a survey), reccomend some of your friends to join, and wait for your gift in your inbox. THAT'S IT! Feel free to leave a comment if you are having any problems. Don't beleive me? Just check out the Facebook group to see all of our happy customers. This site works guys! I'm trying to help people out here! Trust me. See for yourself! Just register for Bee Premium. All you need to register is a valid e-mail address, a name, and a country. Then fill out a survey and reccomend your friends so that you can receive your FREE gift. No credit card information is required for the gifts listed above. What are you doing? Register for Bee Premium NOW and get stuff for free!

Does this site require any of my personal information?

No! Bee Premium 4 Free only requires a valid e-mail address, a name, and your country. This site does not require any credit card information for low priced rewards (most less than $100).

How does this work?

(Excerpt from
A lot of people starting with freebies have questions that need answering. You are probably wondering why anyone would give away premium accounts or a great gaming console for free. There is actually an economically sound principle behind freebie sites, which allow YOU to get your free gift, while still making money for the freebie companies.

All 100% legitimate freebie companies work in the same basic way:

  • Register at the freebie site for the item you want to get for FREE.

  • Complete an advertiser's offer.

  • Refer some friends to join the site and do the same as you did.

    Simple as that

Freebie Sites make money through the advertiser's offers. When you sign up for a free or discounted trial of a product or service, the freebie site gets paid a commission, which is then used to pay for YOUR free premium account, free PS3, or other gift. You and your referrals get gifts from the freebie company, just by trying out great products and services for free!
In exchange for users registering with an advertiser (also referred to as "completing an offer"), we are compensated for sending to advertisers new customers. We then offer you the free gift from a portion of our compensation as a Thank you for using our site.